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Someone Like Me

Alexia has let us use her photo and story.

Meet Alexia

A face you may pass on the street. A friend you might see out for brunch. A successful and bubbly woman whose journey is one of resilience. You don't know me, but you know someone like me.

You see me moving into a new apartment with my boyfriend.

What you don’t see is how all my friends and family were now hundreds of miles away. I was completely alone.

You see him helping to organize my closet.

What you don’t see is that just hours before, he threw all my clothes out into the hallway while we were arguing.

You see my boyfriend giving me a new pair of shoes.

What you don’t see is that this is an apology gift for dragging me across the floor the night before.

You see us out to brunch and getting pedicures.

What you don’t see is him slamming my head into a microwave that night, leading to 6 stitches in my face.

Survivors who are physically abused often don’t seek medical help or resources because money is tight.

Your donation to SafeHouse Denver today will ensure that survivors have access to our resources at no cost – one less financial burden for them to worry about.

You see me painting the furniture in my bedroom.

What you don’t see is me sleeping on my couch for months, because I couldn’t bear the thought of being in the bed I shared with my abuser.


You see me with a strong support system and amazing friends.

What you don’t see is me running to my neighbor for help because I had nowhere else to go.

You see me proudly running my real estate business.

What you don’t see is me spending months in services at SafeHouse Denver. You don’t see me fighting to regain my confidence.

You see me as a successful and independent woman.

What you don’t see is the time it took to rebuild the person I am.

You don’t know me, but you know someone like me.

You may not see what survivors go through behind closed doors. But you can do something to support them. Donate today to ensure that survivors like Alexia always have a path back to their confident selves.

During her healing journey, Alexia found SafeHouse Denver as a beacon of support. After escaping an abusive relationship, she tried to find mental health services, but nobody seemed to understand exactly what she had been through.

She found that understanding and care at SafeHouse Denver. Alexia refers to her friends, neighbors and the SafeHouse staff as angels – guiding lights in her path to recovery.

You can be an angel – a guiding light – for survivors just like Alexia. This holiday season, with costs rising, housing challenges and a growing city population... SafeHouse Denver is needed more than ever.

Please donate today so that the survivors in our lives, hidden or known, have access to life-saving services.

Alexia knows what it is to be lost.

Alexia now knows she is meant to be here.

Alexia is a strong, accomplished woman who wants to share her story.

Alexia is also a survivor who wants others to know they’re not alone.

THANK YOU in advance for donating this holiday season. Your support will help survivors access the resources they need to build their own safe, healthy and successful futures.

  • Your gift of $1,000 will provide 2 full weeks – 14 nights – of safe shelter for a survivor.
  • Your $500 contribution will give a survivor like Alexia 6 individual sessions at the non-residential Counseling & Advocacy Center.
  • Your $250 donation will provide a family of 4 with their initial 2-week supply of groceries when they move into our Extended Stay Program.
  • Your gift of $100 will provide 10 children at the Emergency Shelter with access to a counseling session.
  • A donation of any amount will make a difference for survivors and will be deeply appreciated.

On behalf of SafeHouse Denver’s Board of Directors and staff, we wish you a happy holiday season!

If you would like to contribute to SafeHouse Denver but prefer to do so offline, you may:

Mail a check to 1649 N. Downing St. Denver, CO 80218

Call us at 303-302-6126 to make a credit card donation over the phone.

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