All Shelter services are available in both English and Spanish.
SafeHouse Denver provides safe and secure emergency housing for survivors of domestic violence and their children, regardless of age, gender, race or socioeconomic status. We fill Shelter openings on a first-call, first-serve basis. Adults who need emergency housing must first call our Crisis Line and talk with an Advocate. The Advocate will assess their situation and, if space is available, arrange for the caller to come into the Shelter.
Emergency Housing
Our Emergency Shelter is available for adults who are experiencing domestic violence and their children. Once a survivor arrives, Shelter staff will provide them with basic necessities such as bedding, food and personal hygiene items. The average length of a stay in the Shelter is typically 30 days. However, extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis based on the individual’s established goals and plans with their Advocate.
Individual & Group Advocacy-Based Counseling
While in Shelter services, adult residents have the opportunity to participate in individual and group advocacy-based counseling. With input from their Shelter Advocate, survivors will be encouraged to develop an action plan that may address legal concerns, safety planning, housing referrals, employment assistance or job training referrals. Our Advocates are very familiar with resources in the Denver metro area, and they can act as liaisons to other organizations. Residents also have the opportunity to participate in group sessions where they are able to learn from their peers and process trauma in a supportive setting.
Family Program
Survivors who enter the Emergency Shelter with their child(ren) are paired with a Family Advocate. Family Advocates help the parent and child(ren) as one unit – offering individual and parent-child sessions. With input from the Family Advocate, the parent establishes goals, makes safety plans for the family and receives resources specific to their unique needs. In addition to adult support groups, SafeHouse Denver offers age-appropriate children’s groups. We have arrangements with daycare providers and local schools to provide services to children and youth while they are in the Shelter.
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