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Spring Into Action

This Spring, we invite you to renew your commitment to survivors of domestic violence.

The generous support of our collective community totaled over $2.7 million in aid for survivors in crisis and community education to prevent future violence in 2023.

Thanks to YOU, over 2,500 community members learned about resources available for survivors and gained a deeper understanding of the complexities of domestic violence last year. 

Education is power, and volunteers and staff connect with folks through presentations covering topics like DV 101 or handing out resource materials, hoping that the information will lead to more connections to our work and fewer incidents of domestic violence later. 

Whether it’s a presentation to deepen your understanding of this complex issue, walking through the journey of a survivor through In Their Shoes, connecting with organizations to join us as a Community Partner, or providing training to law enforcement; our mission is to reach as many people as possible.

We are grateful for your partnership;
none of these strides would be possible without you.


We asked Rachel, a volunteer on our Community Engagement Committee, who shares your dedication to survivors, why connecting with the community is important to her -

Rachel shared, "Domestic violence as an issue can feel massive, but we are not powerless. Everyone, everywhere, can do something to stop domestic violence and support survivors. I love getting out into the community because it informs (or reminds) people of their own potential impact. And, when survivors see us out there raising awareness, they also feel seen.

You might feel powerless in the face of such a big issue.
But you can make a difference!

Donating today will foster greater awareness by fortifying outreach efforts and empowering survivors.

We are grateful for the strong connection your contributions helped to build within our community, but much more work still needs to be done to prevent domestic violence from happening and to be there when it does. 

Your support is more vital than ever to help survivors overcome the increasingly challenging circumstances they face.   

Will you take action with us this Spring to empower survivors and create lasting change?

Your gift today connects SafeHouse Denver with more survivors and community members tomorrow.

  • Your $1,400 donation will EDUCATE child welfare workers by providing eight presentations on how to navigate Parenting in the Context of Domestic Violence. 
  • Your $525 donation will EDUCATE law enforcement officers by providing three presentations on strategies for basic crisis intervention and handling disclosures of domestic violence.
  • Your $250 gift will EDUCATE direct service workers by providing a presentation on Domestic Violence Advocacy: Empowerment-Based, Trauma-Informed, & Client-Centered.
  • Your $125 donation will raise AWARENESS for survivors by providing a presentation on SafeHouse Denver’s Programs & Philosophy of Services to community groups. 
  • Your $50 gift will raise AWARENESS for survivors by providing the funds needed for SafeHouse Denver’s presence at a local community block party.

Any amount you can give will be deeply appreciated and will directly support survivors on their journey toward safety and healing.  

Together, we can ensure survivors and their loved ones can access the resources and support they need to reclaim their right to a life free from violence.

More ways you can make an impact:

  • We invite you to consider joining our monthly donor community as a Sustainer of Hope to provide consistent support for survivors of domestic violence. 
  • Whether you donate your time, talent, treasure, or testimony, you make a HUGE difference in the lives of survivors and their families, and we are very grateful you’re here. 

Thank YOU for your incredible generosity and your belief in survivors.
Together, we are making a real difference.

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