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A Letter From Our CEO


If you’ve ever dropped off a donation, attended a small group activity, or volunteered on one of our event committees, you’re likely familiar with our building at 17th and Downing. This beautiful Victorian brick structure is home to our non-residential Counseling and Advocacy Center (CAC) program, our Administrative staff, and is our published mailing address.

As if 2020 hasn’t been hard enough, in August of this year, our landlord decided he was going to put the building on the market for $1.3 million. We were at risk of losing what has been our “home” since 1993. I immediately consulted our Board of Directors, and together we decided that the best course of direction was for SafeHouse Denver to purchase the building.

Our strong financial reputation allowed us to secure a very competitive mortgage, and on November 6th, after thorough inspections, numerous negotiations, and due-diligence, SafeHouse Denver officially purchased the building that houses our Counseling and Advocacy Center!

Although we hadn’t planned to make a purchase of this magnitude this year, SafeHouse Denver’s mission has always been to support survivors – not at the best times, not when it is easy, but ALL the time. The purchase of the CAC building will allow us to continue supporting survivors without disruption and with confidence into the future.

In the coming months, you’ll see more about how we plan to further safeguard our longevity by fundraising to fully retire the CAC mortgage. We would then own our three program facilities outright.  But for today, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating this unexpected, but exciting, step into the future for SafeHouse Denver. Securing this building will provide for SafeHouse what we strive to provide for survivors – stability, safety, and self-sufficiency.

Thank you for being part of our SafeHouse Denver community! I wish you and your family a joyous Holiday Season!

Victoria McVicker
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. If you have questions about the purchase of the CAC building, please feel free to contact me at 303-302-6120 or

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